On October 16th, Benjamin Maxwell, left his home and family for two years to serve a mission in San Jose, California.

As a missionary: He will teach of Jesus Christ and His gospel. He will have doors slammed in his face and be yelled at. He will meet people from all walks of life. He will stretch himself. He will learn about himself. He will learn of his Heavenly Father's love for him and for all His children. He will learn to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost. He will serve the people of San Jose. And he will LOVE more than he though possible.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Don't make it harder than it has to be!

It was so awesome being able to see all of you yesterday! I was honestly counting down the hours all day! You all look amazing, a little bit white, but amazing! I can't wait till I get home and get to be with all of you again. I miss you all so much! Just keep doing all the fun crazy things that our family always does! Christian will be home soon and will hang out with all of you for the summer and that will be crazy awesome! Someone should learn sign language over the next 18 months so we can have a secret way to communicate when I get home. I'm positive it's a lot easier to learn than Bulgarian or Swedish. You all rock and I wish I could call you every week because that would be super cool. 
My past week has been pretty awesome, we had "dropped" an investigator about three weeks ago and on Friday night I was with a member of the ward and I felt like we should swing by and see him so we did and we had a really cool visit. We didn't teach him anything or really get into any deep discussions but we talked about baseball and the Oakland A's. We talked about summer time and BBQ and then he took us into his backyard and showed us his BBQ set up and let me tell you, this set up is perfect. Mom, I am 500% positive that you would love this set up next to the pool. It was so nice. I made him promise to BBQ for me at some point and he said that he would love to. Then we set up some service that we had talked about before and now we have plans to tear out and rebuild 100ft of fence in his backyard. (That's a project that would never happen in NY!) super excited about that. We are going to get the elders quorum over there and he is suddenly going to have tons of LDS friends and then he will have to come to church to hang out with all of his friends and it will be awesome! I'll let you all know how all that turns out.
I got to meet another less active single lady that lives in our ward and she was so nice. We were talking to her and asking her about how she came in contact with the church and she ended up telling us her conversion story and it was really a great experience being able to sit down and talk with her. She told us about what she had learned about how the church helps her in her life and I learned a lot from her. She told us about how her life was a struggle and only bad things seemed to ever happen to her and her family. Then after learning about the church she realized that there was good hiding behind the bad the whole time. She told us that at that moment she made a choice. She said that she decided to put everything in the Lords hands and all that you can do after you have done that is pray for strength and patience. It reminded me about how The Lord is always there to help us but he doesn't take us down the pain free easy path he takes us right through everything bad, right through those mists of darkness. At times we will hit clear patches and it will be easier but it's never ever going to a walk in the park. Do not pass go, do not collect $200! You have to work for it! But The Lord is always at our side with arms ready to catch us when we are tired and ready to collapse and give up. 
We have the power to overcome anything and everything that Satan will put in our path! Hold tight to the iron rod! Never let go, not even for a second, don't even loosen your grip, it's never worth it! The scriptures have so many powerful promises of blessings that can change our lives forever and all we have to do is reach out and accept them. Heavenly Father loves you, He knows you and he will do everything in his power to help you on this difficult journey of life. Don't make it harder than it has to be! 
I love each and every one of you. I am willing to do anything I can to help anyone and I want to help because I know the difference it can make. Be strong and carry on!!! Have a fantastic week and I will hear from you all again in 7 days!

Love, Elder Maxwell

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